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Information for Staff and Faculty


Specialized instructions will be emailed to faculty/staff marshals, name readers, graduate hooders, and other volunteers.


Faculty name readers, marshals, and hooders who do not own their own regalia may rent regalia through the UCM Store.  Orders may be placed beginning March 17th. The last day to order without a late fee is April 4th.  Place orders at  or use the link: . Contact Leah Sobba at 660-543-4627 or email at sobba@ucmo.edu for assistance.


Optional, but encouraged, training sessions will be available at the following dates/times.  All trainings will be held on Friday of commencement weekend in the Jerry M. Hughes Athletics Center.

  • 9:00am, training for college stationary hooders and program hooders*
  • 9:30am, training for faculty marshals*

*Please note:

  • Faculty who are serving as a name reader may not serve as a marshal or graduate hooder in the same ceremony.
  • Facutly who are serving as graduate hooders may not also serve as a name reader or marshal at those ceremonies.  


Volunteer Duties


Faculty marshals should arrive dressed in regalia at least 60 minutes before the start of the ceremony and check in at the Registrar's table at the east entrance of the Jerry M. Hughes Athletics Center  by the mule head. Marshals who do not own their own regalia may rent it through the UCM Bookstore in advance. Place orders at or use the link   Orders must be placed no later than November 18h. Contact Charlie Rutt at 660-543-4475 for assistance.

Red marshal cords will be handed out by the Registrar's office at the check in table (east entrance by the mule head).  

Commencement ceremonies will require 18 marshals per ceremony.  Each marshal number will be assigned specific duties to be performed during the degree conferal portion of the ceremony.

Pre-Ceremony Duties (begins 1 hour before ceremony start time):


Assistance with Graduate Seating
  • Please make sure students have their name cards before seating them.  Please ask them to remain in their seat until the ceremony begins and if they need to leave, ask that they place their name card on their seat.
  • Seating for all ceremonies will be first-come first-served, filling rows from the front to back. 
  • The first row at each ceremony will be left open for name readers.
  • Ceremonies that involve more than one college will have an empty row (or more) marked off between colleges.
  • The only ceremony that will have assigned seating is the graduate ceremony so that students will be seated with their college and program hooders.   Assigned seating will be marked for the college and program hooders.

During the Platform Party Processional:

  • Marshals 1-4 will continue to assist with the seating of students.
  • Marshals 5-18 will form the gauntlet for the Platform Party (odd numbers on the north side, even numbers on the south side)

After the Platform Party Processional:

  • Marshals 1-4 will continue to assist with the seating of late arrival students.
  • Marshals 5-18 can be seated in the faculty/staff seating area behind the students on the arena floor.  

Duties During Conferring of Degrees:

  • When the speaker from the Alumni Association begins to speak, all marshals should assume their places on the arena floor.
  • Students will be released by row starting at the front.  Students will go to their right, up the right ramp, across the stage and down the left ramp, back to their original seat.  There will be no center ramp from the sub-stage.
  • Those assisting students as they approach the ramp to the substage. Make sure that they have their name card in their hand and let them know that they will give it to the name card reader. The student will not get this card back.  Students should have no other items in their hands. 

Duties During Recessional: 

  • Marshals 1-4:  When the Alma Mater begins go to your place near the first row of students. 
  • Remind students that they will be exiting the building and may not come back inside.  They need to find a place outside to meet up with their families.
  • Marshals 5-118: When the Alma Mater begins re-estabish the gauntlet. 

Name Card Readers

Name readers should arrive at least 30 minutes before the ceremony start time and check in at the Registrar's Office volunteer table at the east end of the arena.  After checking in, you can take your reserved seat at the end of the front row of the student seating - your chair will be marked for you.  

Readers will be provided with the list of candidate names during the week of finals.  Readers will be provided with a small box on the podium in which to place the name cards. Water will be provided at the podium or feel free to bring your own.

Students will approach the sub-stage from the right side.  The name card readers will read student's full names as printed on the name card and any Latin Honors (honors only apply to undergraduate degree candidates).  Cards should be kept in the order that they are read and given to Registrar's staff after the ceremony.  The cards are later used by the photographers to match up photos with students.  

Note: faculty who volunteer as Name Readers may not serve as Marshals or Hooders for the same ceremony.

Stationary Hooders (Faculty)

Stationary Hooders are only needed for the graduate ceremonies, not the undergraduate ceremonies.  Stationary Hooders should arrive dressed in regalia at least 30 minutes before the ceremony start time and check in at the Registrar's Office volunteer table at the east entrance of the Jerry M. Hughes Athletics Center by the mule head.  Hooders who do not own their own regalia may rent it through the UCM Bookstore in advance. Place orders at ucmbookstore.com or use the link https://www.ucmbookstore.com/merchlist?ID=4960.  Contact Charlie Rutt at 660-543-4475 for assistance.

When the speaker from the Alumni Office begins please walk to the hooding station (right side of the arena by the right ramp to the substage).

Each college will identify 1-2 stationary hooders (a primary and a back-up).  These faculty members will stand on a platform facing the crowd and will hood each student in the college before they approach the ramp to the substage.  In addition to the stationary hooder(s), each academic program will have a program hooder(a) that will walk in the line in front of their students and will assist with the hooding of their students, facing the student. After the student is hooded they will move to a photo station before going up the ramp to the substage.

Note: faculty who volunteer as college stationary hooders may not serve as Marshals for the same ceremony.

Program Hooders (Faculty)

Program Hooders are only needed for the graduate ceremonies, not the undergraduate ceremonies. Program Hooders should arrive at least 60 minutes before the ceremony start time and check in at the Registrar's Office volunteer table at the east end of the arena.  After checking in, please proceed the seating section for your college/academic program and assist students to their seats.  

This faculty member will sit with the students during the ceremony and your seat will be marked with your name.  Make sure that all students have their name card and that they are carrying (not wearing) their hoods.

When the speaker from the Alumni Office begins please walk to the hooding station (right side of the arena by the right ramp to the substage).  When your first student is in line to be hooded, you will join them in line.

When your row is released to approach the stage, you will go ahead of the students and walk past the stationary hooder. You will then assist with the hooding of your students, facing the student. After the student is hooded instruct them to move to the photo station near the ramp to the substage. Tell them to hold the card down or behind their back so it's not visible in the photos.

Note: faculty who volunteer as program hooders may not serve as Marshals or Name Readers for the same ceremony.

Other Volunteers (Faculty and Staff)

Faculty and staff members who are not serving as a marshal or hooder, but who are serving in a general volunteer capacity should arrive at least one hour before the ceremony start time and check in at the Registrar's Office volunteer table at the east end of the arena.  You will receive an email from the Registrar's Office during finals week with more information about volunteering.  

General Information for Volunteers 

  • If you have a university name tag, please wear it.
  • You may park anywhere at the Jerry M. Hughes Athletics Center (except for accessibility reserved spots).  You might want to park near an exit for a speedy getaway.
  • Your coats/valuables may be kept in the main office (room 101) or we have some less-secure space under the home bleachers on each side near the tables with the programs.
  • There is a first aid station in room 114 - staffed with medics.
  • If guests would like to recycle their programs they can drop them off at one of the program tables at each entrance.  
  • Programs are also available electronically here

Basic Info Å·ÃÀÊÓƵ Commencement

  • Students will be released to cross the stage from front row to the last row.  
  • A live feed of the ceremony can be found here

Common Volunteer Duties

  • Greet families/guests at the door.  
  • Hand out commencement programs.
  • Assist with general questions (directions to restrooms, baby changing stations, elevators)
  • Assist with seating of guests with wheelchairs, walkers, and limited mobility.
  • Restock commencement programs on tables.

Common Student Questions

Where can I pick up my name card?  Student who did not pick up their name card during finals week can get their name cards from a Registrar's Office staff person located in the seating area.

I lost my name card, what do I do?  Go to the Registrar's Office table at the east end of the building on the first floor.  We'll make you a new one.

Where can I pick up my regalia?  Have to go to the University Store at the Crossing.  Hurry!!

I have my name card and regalia, now where do I go?  Find your seat and stay in it until the ceremony begins.  If you need to leave your seat, keep your name card there to save it.  Stand when the ceremony begins.  You may be seated when the Master of Ceremonies says.

Will I get a program?  Yes, all students already have one on their seat waiting for them in the arena.

Where do I meet my family after the ceremony?   Graduates will be led OUTSIDE of the building using the east and southeast doors.  Make a plan to meet your family outside.  

When will I get my diploma?   Diplomas will be mailed in July for Spring graduates, in October for Summer graduates, and March for Fall graduates.

I earned two degrees, can I get another diploma holder?  Only one is included in the graduation fee.  Any additional can be purchased through the University Store at The Crossing.  (Note: students who do not attend a ceremony can also purchase one through the University Store.)

Common Guest Questions

Where will my student be sitting?  On the arena floor, in no particular order.  Only graduate students in the graduate ceremony are divided up by college/academic program.  

Where should I sit?  Guests are welcome to sit in any of the bleachers.  Please do not use seating marked for the disabled unless needed.

Where is accessible seating?  Wheelchair seating is available on the first floor on the visitor side (south stands).  The ramp is located to the left of the stands.  Wheelchair seating is also available on the second floor on the home side (north stands).  The elevator is located in the east hallway.  (Before referring folks to wheelchair seating, check to see what spots are still available!  They fill up very fast.)

Where are the restrooms?  There are 4 sets of restrooms located on the first floor and one set on the second floor.  On the first floor, three sets are located in the main hallway that runs the length of the arena – this includes the men’s and women’s locker rooms which may also be used.  The fourth set of restrooms on the first floor can be found in the auditorium in the southeast corner (to the left of the visitor stands) - these are often pretty empty!

Where is a baby changing station?  Baby changing stations are available in the women’s faculty restroom (room 111) and also in the men’s restroom in the southeast corner of the arena.

What do I do with my stroller/walker/wheelchair?  F or those who are not being seated with their chairs/walkers, there is storage space available in the space to the left of the visitor stands (southeast corner of the arena) and some space by the stands in the northwest corner.

Why is my student not listed in the program?  Students had to apply for graduation by the deadline in the to make the printing of the program.  

How do I order the pictures that the photographer's take?  Students will receive information via e-mail about a week after the ceremony from GradImages.  They can be contacted at 800-261-2576 and at giservice@gradimages.net



