By Jeff Murphy,
July 23, 2018
WARRENSBURG, MO – Many military service members are preparing to leave the armed forces
and the state of Missouri unaware of all the “military-friendly” policies and programs
that could benefit them. An independent, non-partisan study conducted by a team of
researchers at the ŷƵ suggests a strong information campaign
is needed to help increase awareness of these programs in order to retain these men
and women who can contribute to a robust Missouri workforce.
Results of the 17-week research project are compiled into a 32-page document titled
“A Comprehensive Analysis of Missouri’s Efforts to Improve the Quality of Life of
Military Servicemembers and their Families.” The study was commissioned by the Office
of the Missouri Military Advocate, which is part of the state’s Department of Economic
Development, and funding was made possible by the Hawthorn Foundation. Lead researchers
were UCM members Jeff Huffman, director of Military and Veterans Affairs; Chris Stockdale,
associate dean in the College of Education; and Amy Kiger, director of Campus Community
The research document lists all state agencies and the military-related programs that
they provide. It also lists 10 different findings and recommendations that were derived
from quantitative research that will help identify and respond to the three top post-military
priorities, 1) employment opportunities 2) proximity to family and 3) cost of living.
A U.S. Army veteran, Stockdale said the UCM team was selected for the project based
on a request for proposals (RFP) process. The team’s initial charge was to review
state policies and programs as they relate to military and veterans and their families
and compile this information into one document, which had not been done previously.
The lead researchers worked on the study nights and weekends, and used grant funds
to hire part-time researchers who assisted in the collection of information from various
state departments.
“We had archival research, which was really a matter of poring over state policies
and finding any policy that mentioned military or veterans. Our research assistants
pulled that out,” Stockdale said. “Then as lead researchers, we condensed and made
sense out of the information.”
While the compilation of these programs and policies met the RFP, the research team
opted to go a step further. It obtained quantitative data, which can now be used to
help determine what kinds of information military members need most to assist in decisions
that affect them and their families. Data collection consisted of a 35-question survey
administered to 206 military servicemembers and their spouses. Questions helped provide
information that included their interest in residing in Missouri upon separation from
the military, and their awareness and perception of a sample of Missouri state policies
that support those who serve. In Phase III, more structured focus groups were conducted
to gather additional data about programs or policies that would encourage service
members to reside in the state of Missouri upon separation from the military.
“Our researchers went to six classes at Whiteman Air Force Base. We also collected
data through an email survey that went to Fort Leonard Wood and we had our research
assistants do a paper version of the survey, where they went to different places and
found veterans,” Kiger said.
She noted that when the survey was administered to transitioning airmen at WAFB, there
was a brief presentation by lead researchers, and there were pre- and post-questions
to see if opinions changed after information was presented.
“What we found in the study is pretty interesting,” said Huffman, who is an Air Force
veteran. “The number of people who said they are definitely not staying in Missouri
didn’t change. Where we see movement is in the ’unsure’ area.”
Prior to any presentation, 18 percent of the pre-test group said they were unsure
if they would stay in Missouri after leaving the service, but once they learned more
about policies and programs that benefit them, the number increased to 21 percent.
“It tells us that if there was a better information system, a better way of getting
this information in the hands of veterans, there is a chance that they may consider
staying in the state of Missouri,” Huffman said.
Stockdale added, “If servicemembers who were kind of in the middle became more likely
to stay in the state with just a 10-minute presentation from us, imagine what a marketing
campaign that showed them why Missouri is the place to be for military and veterans
might do.”
Awareness of state programs and policies designed to support military servicemembers
and their families who were sampled in the study varied from 15 to 60 percent of the
survey group. Less than half of currently enlisted Missouri servicemembers intend
to remain in the state after separating from the military.
Included among the research team’s recommendations is that Missouri develop a comprehensive
plan to educate all incoming servicemembers and their families about state programs
and policies designed for their benefit while they are stationed in Missouri and upon
separation. To help make it easier to find information about state programs and policies
that impact the military population, the group also recommended that the state develop
and launch a comprehensive website for all military-connected benefits and programs.
Also, among the findings, participants reported positive perceptions of programs and
polices available in states other than Missouri that support military servicemembers
and their families. Researchers recommended that Missouri investigate programs and
policies designed to support these individuals available in other states for possible
adoption in the Show-Me state. The research team hopes to assist in a future study
that would contribute to this effort.
“A Comprehensive Analysis of Missouri’s Efforts to Improve the Quality of Life of
Military Servicemembers and their Families” will soon be available online through
the Office of the Missouri Military Advocate.