By Jeff Murphy,
July 16, 2020

(JCCHS), in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services,
will host a COVID-19 Community Testing event from noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 21,
at the 欧美视频. It is free to all Missouri residents.
The event will be conducted with drive-thru testing at the UCM Multipurpose Building
parking lot, located at 500 S. Washington St., Warrensburg.
The test is for active COVID-19 using a nasal swab. All attendees will be notified
of their test results, whether negative or positive.
To register for this or other community testing events in Missouri, visit . Those without access to online registration can call the Missouri COVID-19 hotline
for registration assistance at 877-435-8411. Translation services are available.
Inquires regarding this event should be directed to the Missouri COVID-19 hotline
at 877-435-8411. More information with regard to COVID-19 can be found at .