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Missouri Bicentennial Keynote Lecture on Sectional Tension and Compromise of 1820 Slated for Oct. 16 in Lee’s Summit

By Jeff Murphy, October 12, 2021

Chris Childers Portrait
Pittsburg State  faculty member, author, Dr. Chris Childers, will Present the Missouri Bicentennial Keynote lecture  at UCM-Lee's Summit Oct. 16.
WARRENSBURG, MO – As Missouri celebrates its bicentennial, History Program faculty members at the ŷƵ are helping to coordinate an in-person presentation by Dr. Chris Childers, associate professor of history at Pittsburg State University and author of  the book, “Failure of Popular Sovereignty.” His free, public Missouri Bicentennial Keynote lecture is slated for 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 16 at UCM-Lee’s Summit, the Missouri Innovation Campus (MIC), 1101 NW Innovation Parkway,  Lee’s Summit.

Childers’ presentation on “Sectional Tension and the Missouri Compromise of 1820” is being delivered in conjunction with the Missouri Bicentennial Struggle for Statehood exhibit, which is on display at the MIC through Oct. 26. Free and open to the public, the exhibit provides a sense of the significant role Missouri has played in the nation’s history and the sectional struggle that developed when it became a state. It also supports the longtime role UCM has had in sharing Missouri history.

The lecture is supported by the UCM History Program, the MIC, Missouri Humanities Council, and the UCM Center for Teaching and Learning. 
Anyone who has questions about Childers’ presentation or the Missouri Bicentennial Struggle for Statehood exhibit can contact Jon Taylor, Ph.D., professor of history, UCM School of Communication, History, and Interdisciplinary Studies, at 660-543-4582 or jtaylor01@ucmo.edu.

