Date of Current Revision: March 2016
Primary Responsible Officer: Director of the Bookstore
The University Store is responsible for purchasing and distributing undergraduate and graduate textbooks for all classes offered by UCM. It is the expectation that all materials required for a course will be thoroughly utilized by the students. Policy information regarding textbook services may be found here: The Board of Governors Textbook Rental Fee Policy 4.1.050
Textbook adoptions are generally identified as primary texts or supplemental texts:
Primary texts are texts containing 50 percent of essential course material. Undergraduate, hardback textbooks may be eligible for inclusion in the university's textbook rental program.
Supplemental texts include workbooks, study guides and other reference items. Supplemental and optional textbooks are offered for sale only.
a. Textbook Rentals.
The University Store distributes textbooks to undergraduate students for a per book rental fee per semester. Characteristics of books in the rental system are:
Hardback covers
Primary source of information
Retail price greater than $50.00
Adoption period not less than 2 1/2 years (See Adoption Periods)
Rental titles are adopted for all sections of a course
b. Textbook Sales.
The University Store has the following items available for sale to UCM students:
Hardback undergraduate textbooks with retail price less than $50.00
All graduate level textbooks
Workbooks/study guides
Paperback undergraduate textbooks (See Paperback Textbooks)
Reference/supplemental textbooks requested for academic use
Textbooks (hardback/paperback) that are published annually
Textbooks for Extended Studies classes
Custom published textbooks
c. Adoption Periods.
Adopted textbooks will normally be used for a minimum of 2 1/2 years. A textbook for a course should be changed when the current text is no longer available. New faculty can choose a different textbook when the current book is NOT in the textbook rental program.
d. Paperback Textbooks.
Occasionally, it may be possible to hard bind a paperback text when the text is used at the 1000-2000 level or when the text is used for a class in the University Studies Program. Academic departments should present a request and a copy of the text to be considered to University Store as early as possible.
e. Course Packets and Copyright Permission.
The University Store will request copyright permission from publishers through the Copyright Clearance Center for course packets to be distributed to students. The course packet should be delivered to University Store not later than 60 days prior to the start of each semester. Copies of Questions and Answers on Copyright for the Campus Community are distributed annually through campus mail and are also available from the University Store, University Printing Services, and the Copy Center.
f. Change of Textbooks.
The department in which the course resides must initiate textbook requests for all undergraduate and graduate level texts. Faculty may , via email (textbooks@ucmo.edu).
Textbook adoption changes are due:
Fall semester March 15
Spring semester October 1
Summer semester March 15
Academic departments are encouraged to adopt textbooks with copyrights that are not more than one year old. Textbooks that have a copyright older than the current year will be used by the academic department until their cost has been recovered through collected rental fees.
g. Books Out-of-Print/Edition.
When a text is no longer in print or out of edition, the academic department may:
Choose an appropriate replacement text or
Request that University Store continue distribution of the text to the extent of its resources
h. Desk Copies.
The University Store will be pleased to forward requests for desk/exam copies to publishers on behalf of academic departments. However, University Store makes no assurance that the request will be filled by the publisher.
When the publisher does not fill a desk copy request or when a duplicate copy is desired, academic departments must provide for the purchase of desk copies and/or supplemental teaching aids within their operating budgets. New or used copies may be ordered for academic department purchase at a saving through University Store when publishers do not provide complimentary copies for instructor use.
i. The Opening of Additional Seats/Sections.
Department chairs and program coordinators are requested to notify University Store in advance of opening additional seats/sections so that University Store may acquire additional texts.
j. Freedom of Choice.
Faculty should note that a textbook need not be adopted for courses in which there is not an appropriate text available. Please inform University Store if no textbook will be adopted.
k. Sale of Complimentary Textbooks.
The Faculty Senate recognizes that the selling of complimentary textbooks is unethical and strongly discouraged.
l. Educational Development Program.
The Educational Development Program, a fringe benefit of full-time faculty and staff, exempts participants from payment of incidental fees only. Educational Development Program participants are responsible for the payment of textbook rental fees and/or the purchase of textbooks.
m. University Store Discount Policy.
Upon presentation of the staff ID card, an employee is given a 10% discount on all merchandise except required textbooks, postage stamps, special orders, college rings, computer hardware. Computer software and discounted merchandise. Department purchases enjoy a 20% discount off of normal retail prices, with the same exceptions as listed for faculty and staff above.
Revision History:
Established and archived prior to 1999
Textbook adoptions revised by Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Services July 5, 2012.
Textbooks under review by Director of the Bookstore November 2015.
Previously annotated as II.F.7. Additional Costs for Courses, II.F.11. Textbooks, II.F.12. Student Records. II.F. December 2015.
Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.
Textbooks updated, editorial revisions approved by Director of the Bookstore November 2015; VP AP&S approval March 2016.
Previously annotated as II.F.3.Textbooks. Renamed Textbooks for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017.
Removed g. Books Out-of-Print/Edition "Purchase remaining inventory for placement in the Reserve Room of the James C. Kirkpatrick Library or for direct distribution to students" per Dean of Library Services because JCKL no longer has a Reserve Room.