Policy Name: Academic Freedom and Tenure |
Date Approved: Approved by the Board of Regents on May 15, 1986 |
Policy Category: Board of Governors - Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits |
Date Effective: |
Policy Number: 2.2.030 |
Date Last Revised: July 9, 2005 |
Approval Authority: Board of Governors |
Review Cycle: |
Responsible Department: |
The 欧美视频 believes that academic freedom and certain economic security for its academic staff are vital to its success in fulfilling the university's obligations to its students and to society. In general the university agrees with the spirit of the 1940 AAUP/AAC Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure. The university, therefore, supports the following principles.
The university affirms the following principles of academic freedom in teaching and research for all faculty members.
A. Institutions of higher education are established and maintained for the common good, which depends upon the free search for truth and its free expression through learning, teaching, research and scholarship.
B. Academic freedom is essential to these purposes and applies to both teaching and research. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of truth. Academic freedom in its teaching aspect is fundamental to the protection of the rights of the faculty member in teaching and of the student in learning. It carries with it duties correlative with rights of which the following are indicative:
Tenure is an additional safeguard for academic freedom. Tenure also provides faculty with a certain degree of economic security and creates a faculty that has a strong, long-term commitment to the 欧美视频.
A. Individual contracts will state the terms and conditions for every appointment and will be in the possession of the institution and faculty member before the appointment is consummated.
B. Probationary Period - The purpose of a probationary period is to allow reasonable time for full-time faculty members to establish their academic performance, potential performance, and projected institutional needs in order that a proper assessment may be made regarding the award of tenure at the conclusion of the six-year probationary period. Academic freedom is to be guaranteed in teaching and research for all faculty members during the probationary period.
C. Notification of Non-reappointment during the Probationary Period - Notice of non-reappointment, or of intention not to recommend reappointment to the Board of Governors, will be given in writing in accordance with the following standard:
A. Definition - Tenure at the 欧美视频 consists of membership in a protected class of faculty on long-term, indefinite and continuous appointment to the faculty whose members may be separated from the university against their will only after being afforded procedural due process of law and only in accord with the rights and procedures specified in paragraph C, below. Tenure at the University of Central Missouri exists as stated at the time of the awarding of tenure, i.e., either on a department-wide basis or as otherwise stated at the time of the awarding of tenure.
B. Award of Tenure - Tenure at the 欧美视频 may be awarded only by the president, as delegated by the Board of Governors (Board of Governors By-Laws, Article XVII), to faculty who have been recommended for tenure in accordance with procedures set forth in the then current Academic Policies and Procedures.
C. Rights of Tenured Faculty - Tenured faulty are permanent members of the university community. Once gained, tenure is retained until a tenured faculty member retires pursuant to faculty retirement policies of the Board of Governors, is dismissed for cause, or is terminated under the conditions of, and in accord with, the provisions of the university retrenchment policy and procedures. A tenured faculty member terminated for cause such as incompetence, neglect, dishonesty or refusal to perform duties shall be entitled to file a grievance with the Faculty Senate Ethics and Grievance Committee under its procedures and shall be accorded the rights provided by Chapter 174, RSMo.