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Faculty & Staff Resources

 Student Accounts and Loans

Detail Codes

Detail codes are used to track and post tuition, adjustments, and fees.  Accounting Services determines the correct accounting string (FOAPAL) required for university, state, and federal compliancy.  


Federal Work Study (FWS) Guidance

Potential Hiring Supervisors:

  • Contact the Financial Aid Office if you are unsure of a student candidate's eligibility for FWS.
  • Student-Related job forms can be found on the HR Forms and Guidance page under "Management Forms."
  • Students that apply through the university's job portal and receive on-campus student employment should be directed to Human Resources.
  • Students that apply through Handshake and receive off-campus student employment should be directed to Student Financial Services before visiting Human Resources to complete new hire paperwork.

Guidance for Inquiring Students:

  • Students should complete and submit their FAFSA by April 15 each year to meet the FWS eligibility priority date.
  • FWS information for students can be found on the Admitted Student page or the Types of Aid page.
  • All student employees should visit Payroll Services for Student Time Reporting instructions.  These may vary by department (MyCentral or Kronos) or if the position is off-campus.

Federal Work Study Presentation

Fee Assessment and Course Building

The Office of the Registrar and Student Accounts and Loans work closely with the Office of Technology's Application Systems Team to ensure students are billed accurately.  

The Office of the Registrar:

  • works with departments to build CRNs that use valid Campus and Class Schedule Types*, and
  • place course and/or program fees at the course level as approved by the Board of Governors or Fee Committee.

Student Accounts and Loans:

  • creates detail codes*, which are the description that appears on the student bill,
  • builds rate charging rules in Banner (fee assessment rules), and
  • places students into exemptions when accounting principles or fee assessment rules require it. 

*To initiate a request for a schedule type or detail code, complete the .

Tools for Departments:

Valid Campus-Schedule Type Combos Guides Mock Fee Assessment
202510 & 202520 - Valid Campus and Class Schedule Type combos

Simulate student tuition and fee charges using SFAREGF in Application Navigator (Banner INB). 

(See Mock Fee Assessment Schedule below for availability.)

202530 - Summer Valid Campus and Class Schedule Type combos



Mock Fee Assessment Schedule

Fee assessment rules will be enabled in Application Navigator (Banner INB) according to the schedule below.  Once enabled, you may simulate student tuition and fee charges using SFAREGF.   Please note that only tuition, mandatory fee charges, and course/program fees are reflected in mock assessment (e.g. UCM Out-of-State Scholarship and financial aid are not incorporated).

All time frames are estimates.  Past time frames are provided for your reference.

Term SFAREGF Enabled Fees Charged to Students* Past Time Frames
Fall Mid June Mid July 202510:  SFAREGF enabled July 8, 2024;
fall fees charged to students July 17, 2024.
Spring Mid November Mid December 202520:  SFAREGF enabled November 1, 2024; 
spring fees charged to students December 16, 2024.
Summer Mid March Mid April

202430:  SFAREGF enabled March 28, 2024;
summer fees charged April 16, 2024.

*Bills are generated and loaded into MyCentral within the next week.  

Study Abroad Guidance

For recurring, previously established study tours, submit a list of students ensuring the required fields are supplied.

For new study abroad tours:

1.  Submit Center for Global Education budget sheet to Rhonda Stangel.

2. Once the budget has been created in Banner, Rhonda can process the list of students supplied by your department.  Please ensure all required fields are supplied.


Ward Edwards 1100
Tel: (660) 543-8266
Fax: (660) 543-8080
