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Course Evaluation Guidance for Instructors

Viewing Reports Within Watermark - Fall 2024 and After

Follow the Course Evaluation Instructions documentation to access your results.

Access to Academic Analytics data - Prior to Fall 2024

We are working diligently to import historical course evaluation data into Watermark for you to easily access.  While this process is underway (expected completion is Summer 2025), please follow the steps below to receive the data you need.

  1. If the data needed is from 2018 to present, submit a "Course Evaluation Support"  Service Request to UAIR.
    1. Link:  
  2. In the "Describe support requested" field, please provide details applicable to your request.  Example:
    1. Instructor Name
    2. Academic Years or Periods (Terms) 
    3. College, School/Department, and/or Division
    4. Course Title
    5. Course Subject and Number
  3. Select the "Due Date" that will meet your needs, please allow two weeks to process your request when possible.

Accessing Archived PDFs - Prior to Fall 2018

PDF copies of all course evaluation reports are saved to the Academic Programs and Services network directory. There they are grouped by instructor name and by semester. For example:

\\ucmo.local\data\acadprogsvs\Course Evaluations\By Instructor\Mule, Mo\202110

Please contact your college for copies of this data.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are students notified about course evaluations?

Students receive email notifications the day a course evaluation opens. They receive reminder emails every few days throughout the evaluation period and a final reminder when evaluations are about to close.

How do students get to my course evaluation?

Students can click a link in the notification emails they receive to go to the course evaluation.

What is pooling of course evaluations?

Pooling is grouping together an instructor's course evaluation responses from several sections of the same course. Your evaluations will not be pooled with another instructor's evaluations. Administrators such as chairs and deans can view the original unpooled responses.

Why are my evaluations pooled?

Evaluations are pooled when one of your course sections has fewer than two students. This protects student anonymity while still allowing you to receive feedback. A common scenario is with internships, which often have many small sections. Pooling also occurs between colisted course sections if one of the sections has fewer than two students.

For instance, if you are teaching a section of ABC 4000 with 10 students and another section of  ABC 4000 with one student, when you view a report for one of the sections, you will see both sections combined.

Why are my course evaluations hidden?

Responses are hidden when a course section has fewer than five students and cannot be pooled with another course section. Administrators such as chairs and deans can still view these responses.

Where can I find course evaluation assistance?

Data Access and Availability


University Analytics and Institutional Research
ADM 203
Tel: (660) 543-4646
