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MVSC Forms


Certification Request Form

This form must be submitted each semester that a student is seeking to use their VA or Tuition Assistance educational benefits. This allows the School Certifying Official to submit your request to the Department of Veterans Affairs.



Active Military Tuition Rate Form

This form allows currently serving members to have a reduction in their undergraduate tuition to $250 a credit hour. Must be currently serving in Active Duty, Reserve, or Guard status to be eligible.

In-State Rate Discount Form

At UCM we provide in-state rates for military service members, veterans, and dependents (spouse/ child) no matter if they are using VA educational benefits, Military Tuition Assistance or not. To receive this discount, this form will need to be filled out once and then the discount will follow during your time as a student at UCM. 

Missouri Returning Heroes Act

The Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act is a Missouri law that requires public institutions to limit eligible combat veterans' tuition to $50 per credit hour for undergraduate and  no more than thirty (30) percent of the cost of tuition and fees for graduate courses(The definition of a “graduate degree" does not include professional degrees including but not limited to law, medicine, or veterinary degrees.).  Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5, provide a DD-214, and be eligible to vote or registered to vote in Missouri, or be a current resident of Missouri. 

This form must be submitted each semester you seek to receive the discount. 

VA Forms

Request for Change of Program or Place of Training

Dependents’ Request for Change of Program or Place of Training

Direct Deposit Change Request

Application for Veteran Readiness and Employment for Claimants with Service-Connected Disabilities

Tuition Assistance

Missouri State Tuition Assistance Application


Army Federal Tuition Assistance

Air Force Federal Tuition Assistance

Navy Tuition Assistance


