欧美视频 (UCM) Music welcomes jazz saxophonist, scholar, and Kansas City native Dr. Melvin Butler, associate professor of music at the University of Miami, for a two two-day residency on campus. His visit includes a performance April 19 and a lecture April 20, both free and open to the public, and supported by the Florence Hull Greer-Oppenheimer General Studies Program, UCM Music Jazz and UCM Music Academic areas.
欧美视频 (UCM) Music welcomes jazz saxophonist, scholar, and Kansas City native Dr. Melvin Butler, associate professor of music at the University of Miami, for a two two-day residency on campus. His visit includes a performance April 19 and a lecture April 20, both free and open to the public, and supported by the Florence Hull Greer-Oppenheimer General Studies Program, UCM Music Jazz and UCM Music Academic areas.