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Student Funding Committee

student looking a globe


The purpose of the SFC is to assist, via funding, registered student organizations in their effort to:

  • Sponsor services or events that directly contribute to the betterment of the UCM student community.
  • Sponsor events on campus to improve the social, cultural, recreational, and educational offerings to the students and the rest of the University community.
  • Participate in services or events designed to foster members’ educational, leadership or career focused growth, or to assist in the attainment of the respective organization’s mission/purpose.
  • Sponsor physical and/ or environmental improvements in the quality of the UCM student community.


students at spin


Any student organization with the exception of club sports and department sponsored organizations currently registered with the Office of Student Activities is eligible to apply for funding, provided records are updated and the group is considered to have "active" status. However, there is criteria of what can and cannot be funded.

Learn More

math problem on a board

Apply for Funding

Proposals for funding are due a semester in advance. Applications are due in April for July 1-Dec. 31 events and travel and in October for Jan 1-June 30 events and travel.

mo at the friendship tower

Request for Reimbursements

Approved funding proposals may be submitted for reimbursement after the event has occurred. Complete the reimbursement form and include conference cover and agenda OR event flyer with all original receipts for the reimbursement request.

Get Form


You must turn in all forms to Student Activities at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. All funding requests are required to be one semester in advance.

A SFC representative will contact you prior to the meeting to discuss any issues regarding your request or any information dealing with the meeting.  Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.    

Help With The Forms

  • You must fill in all information to the best of your knowledge.
  • You cannot save information entered into the form. Please save all of your information on a separate word or excel document for your records. 
  • Missing information or incorrect forms will be required to be completed or corrected before the scheduled meeting time.
  • Print 2 copies of the finished form; 1 for your records, and 1 for the SFC to make copies.
  • If you have questions, come to Union 217 for assistance.
