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DLII Video Production Services

Creating Original Content

DLII's video production area

The DLII Video Production Studio, housed in JCKL 1423, provides audio and video recording spaces and post-production services to support UCM academic needs.  Access to our services is available for faculty and academic departments to support classroom instruction and the overall mission of the University. UCM students also have access to this production facility for academic use.  The video resources are available by appointment.



From planning, to capturing, to delivering your video, the DLII Video Production staff work with you throughout the entire video production process.  To help you deliver the highest quality video content available, DLII video production staff provides the following:

  • Support for a number of video and communication applications including Panopto and Zoom.  
  • Assistance with video conversion for academic video that meets copyright guidelines and standards.
  • Turn-arounds that are as short as possible (Dependent upon the complexity of the project and work load)

Contact us:
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your next academic video production.
660-543-8029 or email Kordell Ballard
